Class FkinDdsTopics¶
Defined in File FkinDdsTopics.qml
Class Documentation¶
class FkinDdsTopics : public Item¶
This component holds topic names and ids for DDS member variables in use.
string idTest¶
id string for testing (not in use?),
string idPursePlanner¶
Id string for purse planner signals.
string commands¶
Common topic for program commands sinspekto::DdsCommandPublisher, id changes for different applications.
string commandResponses¶
Common topic for program command responses sinspekto::DdsCommandSubscriber.
string stateNotifications¶
Common topic for program state notifications sinspekto::DdsStateNotification.
string keepSolution¶
Indicator on whether to keep or reject a received trajectory from purse planner.
string purseStats¶
Topic for sinspekto::DdsOptiStatusSubscriber, optimization statistics.
string purseConfig¶
Topic for sinspekto::DdsNlpConfigSubscriber, nlp configuration.
string vesselTrajectory¶
Topic for DdsKinematis2DBuffer, suggested vessel trajectory.
string fishTrajectory¶
Topic for DdsKinematis2DBuffer, expected fish trajectory.
string vesselRotDesired¶
Topic for RatatoskDoubleValSubscriber, commanded heading rate.
string deployPosition¶
Topic for RatatoskDouble2Subscriber, expected deploy position.
string collidePosition¶
Topic for RatatoskDouble2Subscriber, expected position for fish colliding with purse.
string deployTime¶
Topic for RatatoskDoubleValSubscriber, expected deploy time.
string vesselPosInfo¶
Topic for RatatoskPosInfoSubscriber.
string localNedTopic¶
Topic for DdsIdVec3dPublisher, vesselPosInfo in NED coordinates.
string gpsOrigin¶
Topic for RatatoskDouble2Publisher, TEMPORARY to forcefully set a gps origin instead from pos info topic.
string vesselSettingSpeed¶
Topic for DdsIdVec1d, setting speed m/s.
string vesselSettingRadius¶
Topic for DdsIdVec2d, setting radii, [m, m].
string aimPointArcLength¶
Toppic for DdsIdVec1, aim distance, m.
string fishMargin¶
string currentSurface¶
Topic for RatatoskDouble2Publisher, sea surface current.
string currentFish¶
Topic for RatatoskDouble2Publisher, sea current at fish depth.
string idFish¶
Id string for fish model.
string fishDepth¶
Topic for DdsIdVec1dPublisher, depth of fish (manual or from input)
string fishVelocityOverGround¶
Topic for RatatoskDouble2Publisher, Fish velocity over ground (either manual or from input)
string fishPosInfo¶
Topic for RatatoskPosInfoSubscriber.
string fishRelativePos¶
Topic for RatatoskDouble3Subscriber, fish position relative to vessel.
string idLeadline¶
Id string for leadline model.
string leadlineParameters¶
Topic for DdsIdVec2dPublisher, (tau, z_d) parameters for leadline model.
string leadlineResponse¶
Topic for DdsIdVec1dBuffer, sink response trajectory for a time horizon.
string leadMargin¶
Topic for DdsIdVec1d, lead margin below fish at collision, m.
string idTest¶