Class FkinStyle

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public Item

Class Documentation

class FkinStyle : public Item

Component to hold common styling.


string fontFamily

Default font.


This property is read-only

int chartTheme

QtChart theme, which is ChartView.ChartTheme{Light,Dark} in sync with Material.{Light,Dark}.

font defaultFont

Default font with pointSize 20.

font plotFont

Plot font with pointSize 19.

font dateFont

Date font with pointSize 19.

font numberFont

Number font with pointSize 25.

font iconFont

Icon font (default: IcoFont), pointSize 22.

font iconFontBig

Icon font (default: IcoFont), pointSize 25.

font iconFontHuge

Icon font (default: IcoFont), pointSize 35.

real largerPoints

PointSize +3 from default font point size.

real smallerPoints

PointSize -3 from default font point size.

color defaultLineColor

Default line color, which is Material.Teal.