
This project provides Interface Definition Language files as import targets. The IDL-files are located in src and the convention is that each folder is a target RatatoskIDL::<folder_name>, which can be used in other projects. Note that this project uses an Exact versioning scheme, so the requested version must match exactly, major.minor.patch. The following snippet shows how a consumer can use this project.

find_package(OpenSplice 6.9 REQUIRED)
find_package(RatatoskIDL 0.2.0 CONFIG REQUIRED)

# pingpong is the target with IDL sources
ratatosk_add_idl_library(ping-dds pingpong)
add_executable(test-ping ping.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test-ping ping-dds)

RatatoskIDL defines pseudo-targets with a property IDL_SOURCES, which is a list of IDL files for that target. A full example is provided in examples. To list targets that RatatoskIDL provides, see the file hierarchy in the documentation or browse the source directory <INSTALL_PREFIX>/share/RatatoskIDL, e.g with <INSTALL_PREFIX>=/usr/local/ on Linux.

The CMake function ratatosk_add_idl_library() creates an OBJECT library, which provides the generated interface header files during building, that can be linked to the library or executable in need of the interface. So e.g. for pingpong:

// <target_name>/<idl_filename>_DCPS.hpp
#include "pingpong/ping_DCPS.hpp"


The IDL files are architecture-independent and require no compiler. Only CMake >= 3.10 is needed. Building and installing will make it available to other projects with find_package using the CONFIG flag. There are also .deb and .tar.gz archive packages.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DWITH_DOC=OFF
cmake --build . --target install
cmake --build . --target package  # Build .deb and/or .tar.gz

Build options and conan

RatatoskIDL is available as a conan package. RatatoskIDL itself does not depend on OpenSplice unless the CMake function ratatosk_add_idl_library() is used. The examples directory provides an example on how to use it as a consumer. The conan package is available by adding the following conan remote:

conan remote add sintef
conan config set general.revisions_enabled=1

First, you can add the following to your conanfile.txt:




Then, add this to CMakeLists.txt before the CMake snippet above.


Option (conan/CMake)



with_doc / WITH_DOC

False / OFF

Build documentation

with_tests / WITH_TESTS

False / OFF

Build IDL targets to check syntax

with_CICD / N/A


Internal CI/CD build script as build requirement

The table above shows available configuration options for the package.


Build the libraries for C++ (isocpp2), as a way of confirming that the IDL syntax is correct. This test requires OpenSplice.


Build documentation using doxygen and sphinx, see requirements below.


A conan-only requirement to add internal SfhBuildScripts.

Documentation requirements *(optional)*

The documentation is built with the help of doxygen and sphinx. There are also additional python packages listed in doc/requirements.txt. The requirements can be installed with:

Debian linux:

apt-get install doxygen
python -m pip install -r doc/requirements.txt --upgrade

Windows, assuming you have the chocolatey package manager:

choco install -y doxygen.install
python -m pip install -r doc/requirements.txt --upgrade

Adding new idl libraries to this repository

When a new library is to be added, the developer needs to manually edit CMakeLists.txt. Suppose you have created IDL files hugin.idl and munin.idl. You want them to be part of a component named Midgard.

  1. Place {hugin.idl, munin.idl} in src/Midgard/

  2. Add to CMakeLists.txt: ratatosk_idl_lib(Midgard "hugin.idl munin.idl")

  3. Increase the version of the project.

  4. Update version in conanfile.txt snippet in this readme and in examples/conanfile.txt.

Example folder

To build the example, please make sure that RatatoskIDL and openoplice-ce are properly installed. This is easily achived using the example conanfile.txt.

conan remote add sintef
cd examples && mkdir build && cd build
conan install ..
cmake ..
cmake --build .
.  # sets OpenSplice environment variables
# And in another terminal: