Program Listing for File FkinPurseDashboard.qml¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/qml/components/FkinPurseDashboard.qml
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.4
import QtCharts 2.2
import fkin.Dds 1.0
import "fkinHelpers.js" as Fkin
import ratatosk 1.0
RowLayout {
id: root;
FkinStyle { id: fkinStyle; }
property vector2d originNED: Qt.vector2d(63.4581027, 10.3683367);
signal triggerReset;
signal themeChanged;
property bool plannerRunning: false;
property bool ddsInitialized: false;
property vector3d currentMagDirDepth: Qt.vector3d(0.25, 0, 0);
property vector2d windMagDir: Qt.vector2d(4, 0.5);
property vector2d fishCurrent: Qt.vector2d(0.35, 0.35); // also published dds
property vector2d seaCurrent: Qt.vector2d(currentMagDirDepth.x*Math.cos(currentMagDirDepth.y),
property point mouseTip: Qt.point(0,0);
property bool mouseActive: false;
property bool manualFishCtrl: manualFish.checked; // Togglable switch
signal pointHovered(point pnt);
mouseTip = pnt;
mouseActive = true;
Timer {
id: hoverShow;
interval: 1500;
running: false;
repeat: false;
onTriggered: {
root.mouseActive = false;
property color vesselColor: Material.color(Material.Blue, Material.Shade500);
property color deployColor: Material.color(Material.Blue, Material.Shade500);
property color fishColor: Material.color(Material.DeepOrange, Material.Shade500);
property color windColor: Material.color(Material.Cyan, Material.Shade500);
property color currentColor: Material.color(Material.Indigo, Material.Shade500);
FkinDdsTopics { id: topic; }
// Notifies new solution (resets time since update timer)
Connections {
target: ddsVesselTrajectoryBuffer;
onNewData: root.triggerReset();
function init(ddsParticipant){
// The if buffer size is too small, you will not get all data..
ddsParticipant, topic.vesselTrajectory, topic.idPursePlanner, 3000, true);
ddsParticipant, topic.fishTrajectory, topic.idPursePlanner, 3000, true);
ddsVesselPosInfo.init(ddsParticipant, topic.vesselPosInfo);
vesselNED.init(ddsParticipant, topic.vesselPosInfo, topic.localNedTopic, "vessel");
ddsVesselBuffer.init(ddsParticipant, topic.localNedTopic, "vessel", 30);
ddsFishPosInfo.init(ddsParticipant, topic.fishPosInfo);
fishNED.init(ddsParticipant, topic.fishPosInfo, topic.localNedTopic, "fish");
fishRelative.init(ddsParticipant, topic.fishRelativePos);
ddsFishBuffer.init(ddsParticipant, topic.localNedTopic, "fish", 30);
currentSurface.init(ddsParticipant, topic.currentSurface, Qt.vector2d(0, 0), true);
currentFish.init(ddsParticipant, topic.currentFish, root.fishCurrent, true);
fishDepth.init(ddsParticipant, topic.fishDepth, topic.idFish, fishRelative.value.z, true);
fishVelocityOverGround.init(ddsParticipant, topic.fishVelocityOverGround, Qt.vector2d(0, 0), false);
// This is TEMOPORARY, TODO: use vessel pos info lat lon instead
gpsOrigin.init(ddsParticipant, topic.gpsOrigin, root.originNED, true);
vessel_rot_desired.init(ddsParticipant, topic.vesselRotDesired);
vessel_deploy_position.init(ddsParticipant, topic.deployPosition);
fish_collide_position.init(ddsParticipant, topic.collidePosition);
vessel_deploy_time.init(ddsParticipant, topic.deployTime);
keepSuggestion.init(ddsParticipant, topic.keepSolution, keeper.keepIt, true);
Item {
id: dds;
DdsKinematics2DBuffer { id: ddsVesselTrajectoryBuffer; }
DdsKinematics2DBuffer { id: ddsFishTrajectoryBuffer; }
RatatoskPosInfoSubscriber { id: ddsVesselPosInfo; }
RatatoskPosInfoSubscriber { id: ddsFishPosInfo; }
RatatoskDouble3Subscriber { id: fishRelative; }
RatatoskDoubleValSubscriber { id: vessel_rot_desired; }
RatatoskDouble2Subscriber { id: vessel_deploy_position; }
RatatoskDouble2Subscriber { id: fish_collide_position; }
RatatoskDoubleValSubscriber { id: vessel_deploy_time; }
RatatoskDouble2Publisher { id: gpsOrigin; }
RatatoskDouble2Publisher { id: currentSurface; value: root.seaCurrent; }
RatatoskDouble2Publisher { id: currentFish; value: root.fishCurrent; }
DdsIdVec1dPublisher { id: fishDepth; value: root.manualFishCtrl ? fishDepthPred.value : fishRelative.value.z; }
RatatoskDouble2Publisher {
id: fishVelocityOverGround;
value: root.manualFishCtrl ?
Qt.vector2d( fishSpeedPred.value*Math.cos(Math.PI*fishCoursePred.value/180),
fishSpeedPred.value*Math.sin(Math.PI*fishCoursePred.value/180)) :
Qt.vector2d( ddsFishPosInfo.sog*Math.cos(Math.PI*ddsFishPosInfo.cog/180),
// Forcefully send parameters regularly
Timer {
interval: 2000;
running: true;
repeat: true;
onTriggered: {
Timer {
interval: 10000;
running: true;
repeat: true;
onTriggered: ddsVesselTrajectoryBuffer.clearBuffers();
TransformToNED {
id: vesselNED;
lat: root.originNED.x;
lon: root.originNED.y;
DdsIdVec3dBuffer { id: ddsVesselBuffer; }
TransformToNED {
id: fishNED;
lat: root.originNED.x;
lon: root.originNED.y;
DdsIdVec3dBuffer { id: ddsFishBuffer; }
NorthEast {
id: plot;
legend.visible: false;
legend.markerShape: Legend.MarkerShapeCircle;
legend.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom;
fovX: Qt.point(-100, 100);
fovY: Qt.point(-100, 100);
addMinFOV: false;
axisX.tickCount: 8;
axisY.tickCount: 8;
margins.left: 10;
margins.right: 10;
margins.bottom: 10; 10;
// Use offseted axes instead based on vessel NED position
axisX.visible: false;
axisY.visible: false;
function setStyle() {
offY.labelsFont = fkinStyle.plotFont;
offY.titleFont = fkinStyle.plotFont;
offX.labelsFont = fkinStyle.plotFont;
offX.titleFont = fkinStyle.plotFont;
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
ValueAxis {
id: offX;
titleText: qsTr("East")+ " [m]";
tickCount: 8;
min: plot.axisX.min;
max: plot.axisX.max;
ValueAxis {
id: offY;
titleText: qsTr("North")+ " [m]";
tickCount: 8;
min: plot.axisY.min;
max: plot.axisY.max;
LineSeries {
id: dummy;
axisXTop: offX;
axisY: offY;
visible: false;
Connections {
target: root;
onThemeChanged: plot.setStyle();
LineSeries {
id: vesselTrack;
name: qsTr("Vessel");
// useOpenGL: true
// style: Qt.DotLine // no effect with openGL
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.vesselColor;
width = 3;
LineSeries {
id: vesselFuture;
name: qsTr("Vessel future");
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.vesselColor;
width = 3;
style = Qt.DotLine;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
ScatterSeries {
id: vesselNow;
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
color: root.vesselColor;
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.vesselColor;
borderWidth = 0;
markerSize = 12;
markerShape = ScatterSeries.MarkerShapeCircle;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
ScatterSeries {
id: deployPos;
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
color: root.deployColor;
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.deployColor;
borderWidth = 0;
markerSize = 20;
markerShape = ScatterSeries.MarkerShapeRectangle;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
Connections {
target: vessel_deploy_position;
deployPos.append(value.y, value.x);
ScatterSeries {
id: collidePos;
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
color: root.deployColor;
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.fishColor;
borderWidth = 0;
markerSize = 20;
markerShape = ScatterSeries.MarkerShapeRectangle;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
Connections {
target: fish_collide_position;
collidePos.append(value.y, value.x);
Connections {
target: ddsVesselBuffer;
ddsVesselBuffer.updateSeries(vesselTrack, FKIN.Y, FKIN.X);
// Note that things are opposite (x, y is switched due to North is y, but x)
if(dim == FKIN.X) {
Qt.point(range.x-50, range.y + 50));
if(dim == FKIN.Y){
Qt.point(range.x-50, range.y + 50),
Connections {
target: vesselNED.ned; //ddsVesselNow;
vesselNow.append(value.y, value.x);
offX.min = plot.axisX.min - value.y;
offX.max = plot.axisX.max - value.y;
offY.min = plot.axisY.min - value.x;
offY.max = plot.axisY.max - value.x;
Qt.point(value.y-20, value.y+20),
Qt.point(value.x-20, value.x+20));
Qt.point(value.y-250, value.y+250),
Qt.point(value.x-250, value.x+250));
/* With this the FOV grows.
var middleX = 2*(value.y - (plot.axisX.min + (plot.axisX.max - plot.axisX.min)/2));
var rngX = Qt.point(plot.axisX.min + (middleX<0)*middleX + 10,
plot.axisX.max + (middleX>0)*middleX - 10);
var middleY = 2*(value.y - (plot.axisX.min + (plot.axisX.max - plot.axisX.min)/2));
var rngY = Qt.point(plot.axisY.min + (middleY<0)*middleY + 10,
plot.axisY.max + (middleY>0)*middleY - 10);
plot.equalizer.registerBox("VesselInMiddle", rngX, rngY);
Connections {
target: ddsVesselTrajectoryBuffer;
// remove old
ddsVesselTrajectoryBuffer.updateSeries(vesselFuture, FKIN.PosY, FKIN.PosX);
ddsVesselTrajectoryBuffer.clearBuffers(); // remove after consumption.
// Note that things are opposite (x, y is switched due to North is y, but x)
if(dim == FKIN.PosX){
Qt.point(range.x-50, range.y+50));
if(dim == FKIN.PosY){
Qt.point(range.x-50, range.y+50),
LineSeries {
id: fishTrack;
name: qsTr("Fish");
// useOpenGL: true
// style: Qt.DotLine // no effect with openGL
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.fishColor;
width = 3;
LineSeries {
id: fishFuture;
name: qsTr("Fish future");
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.fishColor;
width = 3;
style = Qt.DotLine;
ScatterSeries {
id: fishNow;
axisXTop: plot.axisX;
axisY: plot.axisY;
color: root.fishColor;
onHovered: if(state){ root.pointHovered(point); }
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle(){
color = root.fishColor;
borderWidth = 0;
markerSize = 12;
markerShape = ScatterSeries.MarkerShapeCircle;
Connections {
target: ddsFishBuffer;
ddsFishBuffer.updateSeries(fishTrack, FKIN.Y, FKIN.X);
// Note that things are opposite (x, y is switched due to North is y, but x)
if(dim == FKIN.X)
plot.equalizer.registerBox("Fish", ddsFishBuffer.rangeY, range);
if(dim == FKIN.Y)
plot.equalizer.registerBox("Fish", range, ddsFishBuffer.rangeX);
Connections {
target: fishNED.ned;
fishNow.append(value.y, value.x);
Qt.point(value.y-20, value.y+20),
Qt.point(value.x-20, value.x+20));
Connections {
target: ddsFishTrajectoryBuffer;
ddsFishTrajectoryBuffer.updateSeries(fishFuture, FKIN.PosY, FKIN.PosX);
ddsFishTrajectoryBuffer.clearBuffers(); // remove after consumption.
// Note that things are opposite (x, y is switched due to North is y, but x)
if(dim == FKIN.PosX){
Qt.point(range.x-50, range.y+50));
if(dim == FKIN.PosY){
Qt.point(range.x-50, range.y+50),
ColumnLayout {
id: infotain;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop;
Layout.topMargin: 30;
Layout.rightMargin: 10;
function toDegrees(rad){
// returns -180, 180.
var deg = Math.atan2(Math.sin(rad), Math.cos(rad))*180/Math.PI;
deg += (deg < 0)*360; // maps negative rot to [180,360]
return deg;
function toKnots(mps){
return mps*3.6/1.852;
RowLayout {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter;
Layout.bottomMargin: 20;
Layout.rightMargin: 20;
Label {
text: "\uf022";
font: fkinStyle.iconFontBig;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter;
Label {
id: clock;
font.pointSize: fkinStyle.numberFont.pointSize + 2;
property date klokka: new Date();
text: klokka.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), "hh:mm:ss");
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter;
Timer {
interval: 1000;
running: true;
repeat: true;
onTriggered: {
var time = new Date;
clock.klokka = time;
InfoDirectionMagnitude {
id: wind;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight;
Layout.bottomMargin: 15;
entity: "\uee98"; // wind
description: qsTr("Wind");
arrow: "\uea5b"; // down-arrow since wind direction from where it originates
unit: "kn";
colorFont: root.windColor;
magnitude: infotain.toKnots(root.windMagDir.x);
orientation: infotain.toDegrees(root.windMagDir.y);
InfoDirectionMagnitude {
id: current;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight;
Layout.bottomMargin: 15;
entity: "\uee97"; // wind-waves
description: qsTr("Current");
unit: "kn";
colorFont: root.currentColor;
magnitude: infotain.toKnots(root.currentMagDirDepth.x);
orientation: infotain.toDegrees(root.currentMagDirDepth.y);
extra: Number(root.currentMagDirDepth.z).toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), 'f', 0) + " m";
InfoDirectionMagnitude {
id: currentDeep;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight;
Layout.bottomMargin: 15;
entity: "\uee97"; // wind-waves
description: qsTr("Current at depth");
unit: "kn";
colorFont: root.currentColor;
magnitude: infotain.toKnots(root.fishCurrent.length());
orientation: infotain.toDegrees(Math.atan2(root.fishCurrent.y, root.fishCurrent.x));
extra: isNaN(fishRelative.value.z) ? "-" :
Number(fishRelative.value.z).toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), 'f', 0) + " m";
InfoDirectionMagnitude {
id: vessel;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight;
Layout.bottomMargin: 15;
entity: "\uee34"; // ship
description: qsTr("Ship: speed and course over ground");
unit: "kn";
colorFont: root.vesselColor;
magnitude: infotain.toKnots(ddsVesselPosInfo.sog);
orientation: ddsVesselPosInfo.cog;
InfoDirectionMagnitude {
id: fish;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight;
Layout.bottomMargin: 5;
entity: "\ue850"; // fish-2
description: qsTr("Fish: speed and course over ground");
unit: "kn";
colorFont: root.fishColor;
magnitude: infotain.toKnots(ddsFishPosInfo.sog);
orientation: ddsFishPosInfo.cog;
extra: isNaN(fishRelative.value.z) ? "-" :
Number(fishRelative.value.z).toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), 'f', 0) + " m";
ProgressBar {
// Horizontal line
implicitWidth: parent.width;
value: 1.0;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft;
Layout.bottomMargin: 5;
RowLayout {
id: debugItem;
visible: false;
implicitWidth: parent.width;
Label {
id: icon_;
text: "\ueec7"; // bug
font: fkinStyle.iconFontBig;
Layout.rightMargin: 10;
Button {
id: clearGraphs;
text: qsTr("Clear buffers");
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight;
Label { Layout.fillHeight: true; } // Empty Filler
// Captain's indicating fish speed and direction
InfoDirectionMagnitude {
id: fish_input;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight;
Layout.bottomMargin: 20;
entity: "\ue850"; // fish-2
description: qsTr("Captain's prediction of fish speed and course over ground");
unit: "kn";
colorFont: root.manaulFishCtrl ? root.fishColor : Material.color(Material.Grey);
magnitude: infotain.toKnots(fishSpeedPred.value);
orientation: fishCoursePred.value;
extra: isNaN(fishDepthPred.value) ? "-" :
Number(fishDepthPred.value).toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), 'f', 0) + " m";
//visible: root.manualFishCtrl;
ColumnLayout {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter;
Layout.bottomMargin: 10;
RowLayout {
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
Label { text: qsTr("Course"); }
Slider {
id: fishCoursePred;
from: 0;
value: 0;
to: 360;
stepSize: 2;
snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease;
RowLayout {
Label { text: qsTr("Speed"); }
Slider {
id: fishSpeedPred;
from: 0.05;
value: 2;
to: 4;
stepSize: 0.05;
snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease;
RowLayout {
Label { text: qsTr("Depth"); }
Slider {
id: fishDepthPred;
from: 0;
value: 50;
to: 120;
stepSize: 1;
snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease;
ColumnLayout {
Label {
font: fkinStyle.iconFontHuge;
text: "\ue850"; // fish
color: root.manualFishCtrl ? root.fishColor : Material.color(Material.Grey);
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter;
property string toolTipText: qsTr("Manual fish input");
ToolTip.text: toolTipText;
ToolTip.visible: toolTipText ? ma_fish.containsMouse : false;
MouseArea {
id: ma_fish;
anchors.fill: parent;
hoverEnabled: true;
Switch {
id: manualFish; rotation: 270;
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter;
fish_input.colorFont = root.fishColor;
fish_input.colorFont = Material.color(Material.Grey);
InfoPlanning {
id: plan;
entity: "\uf020"; // ef8a
title: qsTr("Path Planner");
description: qsTr("Duration since new path");
running: root.plannerRunning;
down: false;
expected: 4000; // expected period of optimization
Connections {
target: root;
onTriggerReset: plan.reseted();
RowLayout {
FkinDecisionIndicator {
id: recommendedRotIndicator;
value: vessel_rot_desired.val;
running: root.plannerRunning;
entity: "\ue81b"; // ship-wheel
description: qsTr("Recommended rate of turn, deg/sec");
unit: " \u00b0/s";
FkinDecisionIndicator {
id: recommendedSettingTime;
entity: "\uebb1"; // cannon-firing, \ueeca :bullet
description: qsTr("Countdown to deploy");
unit: "";
running: root.plannerRunning;
Connections {
target: vessel_deploy_time;
recommendedSettingTime.count = val;
property double count: 0;
valueText: !root.plannerRunning ? "00:00" :
new Date(recommendedSettingTime.count*1000).toLocaleTimeString(
Qt.locale(), "mm:ss");
Timer {
id: settingTimer;
interval: 500;
running: root.plannerRunning;
repeat: true;
recommendedSettingTime.count = recommendedSettingTime.count - settingTimer.interval/1000;
if(recommendedSettingTime.count < 0){
recommendedSettingTime.count = 0;
RowLayout {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter;
id: keeper;
property bool keepIt: false;
DdsBitPublisher {
id: keepSuggestion;
Button {
id: keepTrajectory;
text: keeper.keepIt ? qsTr("Reject") : qsTr("Keep");
Layout.fillWidth: false;
onClicked: {
keepSuggestion.signal = !keeper.keepIt;
keeper.keepIt = !keeper.keepIt;
RowLayout {
id: mapPosition;
Label {
text: "\uef8a";
font: fkinStyle.iconFontBig;
Layout.rightMargin: 10;
Label {
font: fkinStyle.numberFont;
text: isNaN(vesselNED.ned.value.x) || !root.mouseActive ? "" :
Number(root.mouseTip.y - vesselNED.ned.value.x).toLocaleString(
Qt.locale(),'f', 0) + ", " +
Number(root.mouseTip.x - vesselNED.ned.value.y).toLocaleString(
Qt.locale(),'f', 0) + " m";
Layout.preferredWidth: 200;
Label {
font: fkinStyle.numberFont;
text: isNaN(vesselNED.ned.value.x) || !root.mouseActive ? "" :
qsTr("Distance: ") + Number(Qt.vector2d(root.mouseTip.y - vesselNED.ned.value.x,
root.mouseTip.x - vesselNED.ned.value.y).length())
.toLocaleString(Qt.locale(),'f', 0) + " m";