Program Listing for File FkinStyle.qml

Return to documentation for file (src/qml/components/FkinStyle.qml)

//pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.4
import QtCharts 2.2

Item {

  //TODO: usage of this should probably be a singleton available everywhere it is used

  readonly property string fontFamily: "Oswald"; // Or Public Sans
  property int chartTheme: {
    Material.theme == Material.Light ? ChartView.ChartThemeLight : ChartView.ChartThemeDark; }
  property font defaultFont: Qt.font({ family: fontFamily, pointSize: 20, weight: Font.Medium });
  property font plotFont:    Qt.font({ family: fontFamily, pointSize: 19, weight: Font.Medium });
  property font dateFont:    Qt.font({ family: fontFamily, pointSize: 19, weight: Font.Medium });
  property font numberFont:  Qt.font({ family: fontFamily, pointSize: 25, weight: Font.Medium });
  property font iconFont: Qt.font({ family: "IcoFont", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Medium });
  property font iconFontBig: Qt.font({ family: "IcoFont", pointSize: 25, weight: Font.Medium });
  property font iconFontHuge: Qt.font({ family: "IcoFont", pointSize: 35, weight: Font.Medium });

  property real largerPoints: defaultFont.pointSize + 3;
  property real smallerPoints: defaultFont.pointSize - 3;
  property color defaultLineColor: Material.color(Material.Teal, Material.Shade500);
