Program Listing for File FkinTimeSeries.qml¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/qml/components/FkinTimeSeries.qml
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
import QtCharts 2.2
import fkin.Dds 1.0
import "fkinHelpers.js" as Fkin
ColumnLayout {
id: root;
property alias style: fkinStyle;
property int plotHeight: 400;
FkinStyle { id: fkinStyle; }
FkinDdsTopics { id: topic; }
signal themeChanged;
DdsIdVec1dBuffer {id: ddsFishDepthBuffer; }
function init(participant)
ddsFishDepthBuffer.init(participant, topic.fishDepth, topic.idFish, 300, false);
// ===================
// Visual elements
// ===================
RowLayout {
ColumnLayout {
TimeChart {
id: depthChart;
title: qsTr("Fish depth");
height: root.plotHeight;
labelY: "[m]";
fovY: Qt.point(0, 5);
axisY.reverse: true;
horizonMS: 12000;
LineSeries {
id: depthLine;
name: qsTr("Fish");
axisX: depthChart.axisT;
axisY: depthChart.axisY;
// QTBUG-58230: cannot use OpenGL because 32 bit int overflow (time is int64)
useOpenGL: false;
Component.onCompleted: setStyle();
function setStyle()
color =;
style = Qt.SolidLine;
width = 3;
Connections {
target: root;
// Connect buffer data to be plotted to line series.
Connections {
target: ddsFishDepthBuffer;
ddsFishDepthBuffer.updateSeries(depthLine, FKIN.T, FKIN.X);
if(dim == FKIN.X)
depthLine.axisY.min = range.x;
depthLine.axisY.max = range.y;
Fkin.zoomToFrame(range, depthChart.fovY, depthLine.axisY, 2);
depthChart.updateRangeT(ddsFishDepthBuffer.rangeTmin, ddsFishDepthBuffer.rangeTmax);