Class PursePlanner

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public IAlgorithm

Class Documentation

class mimir::algorithm::PursePlanner : public IAlgorithm

Purse seine deployment planner algorithm wrapper.

This class wraps the optimization planner algorithm formulated in mimir::algorithm::PursePlannerFormulation into the mimir::IAlgorithm interface.


Add table with input, output parameters.

Public Functions

explicit PursePlanner(const YAML::Node &config, boost::statechart::fifo_scheduler<> &scheduler, boost::statechart::fifo_scheduler<>::processor_handle machine, dds::pub::Publisher publisher, dds::sub::Subscriber subscriber)

PursePlanner constructor.

The constructor parses the specification from the given YAML node. It establishes data structures and sets up DDS readers and writers according to the input/output scheme of the algorithm. The following YAML code block shows the expected layout of the PursePlanner map of a input config file. The inputs, outputs, parameters, and initial conditions are communicated with DDS communication (settings are fixed). Common is their DDS topic and DDS identifier. The PursePlanner has a potentially large input file, because of the variety of formulation approach and solvers involved. Configuration may be propagated to casadi to be parsed according to a solver’s supported settings. Currently, the YAML configuration file comes with its schema together with the specification. This is because some settings, for instance a solver’s options must be detailed with data type, so that the parser is able to cast the input to appropriate type expected by the solver interfaces. See Purse planner configuration schema.

  initial_condition:     { x0: [0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 200] }
    setting_speed:       { topic: balder_setting_speed,        id: PursePlanner, default: 6 }
    setting_radius:      { topic: balder_setting_radius,       id: PursePlanner, default: 150 }
    aim_point_arc:       { topic: balder_aim_point_arc_length, id: PursePlanner, default: 471 }
    leadline:            { topic: balder_leadline_parameters,  id: Leadline,     default: [330, 160] }
    current_surface:     { topic: balder_current_surface,      default: [0, 0] }
    current_fish:        { topic: balder_current_fish,         default: [0, 0] }
    fish_water_velocity: { topic: balder_fish_water_velocity,  default: [2, 0] }
    fish_depth:          { topic: balder_fish_depth,           id: Fish, default: 50 }

    GPS_origin:          { topic: mimir_gps_origin,            default: [63.4581027, 10.3683367] }
    vessel_pos_info:     { topic: vessel_global_pos_vel }      # should max_age_ms
    vessel_gyro_info:    { topic: vessel_heading_rot }
    fish_pos_info:       { topic: fish_global_pos_vel }
    fish_relative_pos:   { topic: fish_relative_pos_3d }
    id: PursePlanner
    trajectory_vessel:   { topic: mimir_vessel_trajectory }
    trajectory_fish:     { topic: mimir_fish_trajectory }
    nlp_config:          { topic: mimir_nlp_config }
    nlp_stats:           { topic: mimir_nlp_stats }
    vessel_speed:        { topic: vessel_speed_command }
    vessel_heading_rate: { topic: vessel_heading_rate_command }
    deploy_position:     { topic: vessel_deploy_position }
    collide_position:    { topic: fish_collide_position }

    plot: true
    time_step_ms: 3000
      horizon_length: 240
        heading_rot_max: 0.10
        heading_acc_max: 6.28
        deploy_clockwise: true
          vessel_fish_distance: 0.001
          heading_rate: 0.1
          heading_acceleration: 0.05
          heading_post_deploy: 200
          vessel_fish_distance_violation: 10
          leadline_reward: 0.00
          aim_reward: 1
      with_callback: true
        name: ipopt

      name: collocation
        print_stats: false
        #abstol: 1e-6
        collocation_scheme: legendre
        interpolation_order: 3
        number_of_finite_elements: 60


  • config[in] YAML configuration from input file.

  • scheduler[in] State machine scheduler, needed to post events to state machine.

  • machine[in] State machine processor handle, needed to post events to state machine.

  • publisher – DDS data writer to send data.

  • subscriber – DDS data reader to receive data.

virtual ~PursePlanner()


virtual void solve(const std::atomic<bool> &cancel_token)

See base class.

virtual void initialize(const std::atomic<bool> &cancel_token)

See base class.

virtual void timer(const std::atomic<bool> &cancel_token)

See base class.

inline virtual const char *name()

Name identifier of algorithm.

void event(boost::statechart::event_base *const event)

Helper function that queues event to state machine.

PursePlanner(const PursePlanner&) = delete
PursePlanner &operator=(const PursePlanner&) = delete
PursePlanner(PursePlanner&&) = delete
PursePlanner &operator=(PursePlanner&&) = delete

Private Functions

inline void step_time()

March simulation time one time step ahead.

void plot(bool do_plot)

Blot with Gnuplot (if enabled)

void read_parameters()

Read parameters.

void read_inputs()

Read inputs.

PursePlanner() = delete
inline Impl *model()

Pointer to implementation (model) container.

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<Impl> m_impl

Holds the implementation of the algorithm.

boost::statechart::fifo_scheduler &m_scheduler

Members for state machine.

boost::statechart::fifo_scheduler::processor_handle m_stateMachine

Members for state machine.

const std::chrono::milliseconds m_time_step

Discrete time step.

std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_t0

Internal clock \(t_0\).

std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point m_next_step

Simulation time point.

std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_t0_wall

Wallclock \(t_0\).

const YAML::Node m_config

YAML configuration for algorithm.

std::uint8_t m_retries
bool m_keep_solution