Class StateNotifier¶
Defined in File StateNotifier.hpp
Class Documentation¶
class mimir::control::StateNotifier¶
State machine state notifier.
With this class a state machine’s state can be broadcast to other applications. This class is a member of a mimir::StateMachine and notifies over DDS which state it enters as an fkin::ProcessStateAutomaton.
Public Functions
inline StateNotifier(const std::string ¬ifyTopicName, const std::string ¬ifyIdentifier, dds::pub::Publisher publisher)¶
The constructor sets up a DDS data writer for notifications.
- Parameters
notifyTopicName – [in] DDS topic to publish notifications
notifyIdentifier – [in] DDS key for which remote subscribers uses to identify process
publisher – [in] DDS publisher reference
StateNotifier(const StateNotifier&) = delete¶
StateNotifier &operator=(const StateNotifier&) = delete¶
StateNotifier(StateNotifier&&) = default¶
StateNotifier &operator=(StateNotifier&&) = default¶
~StateNotifier() = default¶
inline void NotifyState(fkin::ProcessStateKind state)¶
State notifier function that writes data on DDS publisher.
- Parameters
state – [in] Enum of state to be published.
Private Functions
StateNotifier() = delete¶
inline StateNotifier(const std::string ¬ifyTopicName, const std::string ¬ifyIdentifier, dds::pub::Publisher publisher)¶