Struct Running

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public boost::statechart::state< Running, StateMachine, Initializing >

Struct Documentation

struct mimir::Running : public boost::statechart::state<Running, StateMachine, Initializing>

Super state for running algorithm.

Public Types

typedef mpl::list<bsc::transition<EvStop, Standby>, bsc::transition<EvKill, ShutDown>, bsc::transition<EvError, ShutDown>, bsc::transition<EvInterrupt, Standby>, bsc::custom_reaction<bsc::exception_thrown>> reactions

Admissible reactions for the state.

Public Functions

Running(my_context ctx)

Constructor for Running state.

This state calls mimir::AlgorithmCreator() by passing configuration and other arguments. The instance of the IAlgorithm is held by the Running state and is in scope for nested states too.



bsc::result react(const bsc::exception_thrown&)

Handling of exception, which currently is posting to log and shut down.

mimir::IAlgorithm *Algorithm()

Pointer to algorithm instance.

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<mimir::IAlgorithm> m_algorithm

Pointer to algorithm interface implementation.