Program Listing for File StateMachineFwd.hpp

Return to documentation for file (src/mimir/StateMachineFwd.hpp)

#pragma once

#include <boost/statechart/event.hpp>

namespace mimir
  namespace bsc = boost::statechart;

  // Events

  struct EvKill : bsc::event< EvKill > {};
  struct EvStart : bsc::event< EvStart > {};
  struct EvStop : bsc::event< EvStop > {};
  struct EvReady : bsc::event< EvReady > {};
  struct EvError : bsc::event< EvError > {};
  struct EvRunningOK : bsc::event< EvRunningOK > {};
  struct EvRestart : bsc::event< EvRestart > {};
  struct EvTimeout : bsc::event< EvTimeout > {};
  struct EvInterrupt : bsc::event< EvInterrupt > {};

  // States
  struct Standby;      // Entry state of state machine
  struct Running;      // Parent state of:
  struct Initializing; //   Initializing
  struct Evaluating;   //   Evaluating
  struct Waiting;      //   Waiting
  struct ShutDown;     // Exit state

  struct StateMachine;

#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/statechart/asynchronous_state_machine.hpp>

#include <boost/statechart/exception_translator.hpp>


namespace boost
  namespace statechart
#if BOOST_VERSION < 106900
    typedef void none;

    // The following class member specialization ensures that
    // state_machine<>::initiate is not instantiated at a point
    // where Standby is not yet defined.
    inline void asynchronous_state_machine<
      std::allocator< none >,
      exception_translator<> > ::initiate_impl() {}
  */ // No longer needed, or what? TODO: clean up if not needed

template< class T>
boost::intrusive_ptr< T > make_intrusive(T * obj)
  return boost::intrusive_ptr<T>(obj);